“Niche marketing and/or affiliate marketing is dead”.
“You can’t make as much money as you used to with blogging”.
These are some of the things that pollute the blogging space and I can’t stand it because it gives people the wrong idea of something that is beyond profitable.
As a full-time blogger for the last 3 years (I know, that’s not long ago), I have learned and grown so much that I can’t help but talk about blogging and affiliate marketing and how much money can be made from just one niche website.
Especially with the fact that most people can’t grasp the concept of how blogging works and how money is made, only leaves room for you and many others.
With the many monetization methods out there, you are able to grow your blog from $1,000/month to well over $10,000/month with of course the option of making a lot more through some hard work and determination.
So what does it really take to make that much money with one blog and is it even possible these days?
Let me elaborate more on what gets people thinking such nonsense as well as how you can ignore it and be on your way to making lots of money online with a simple website.
Don’t Be Mislead
Every time you see or hear anyone talk about blogging and how it doesn’t work, they always seem to have the solution to it and how you can make money this way and that way, which is as redundant as some MLMer trying to tell you that they found “the one”.
After all these years, the so called solutions have disappeared and guess what is still around?
You see guys, the people that tell you something doesn’t work is only doing that because they know that there are A LOT of people that take on blogging and fail, which is no secret.
So if almost everyone that starts a blog quits, how does that make niche websites dead?
That only means that there’s room for thousands more.
Point here is that these gurus are only trying to promote their product, when they know for a fact that blogging is very much still profitable.
So Can One Website Really Make $10K + Per Month?
But of course!
To most of you, that’s impossible but to anyone that has tasted success with blogging, they know how possible it really is.
Understand, Not Think You Understand
Blogging is something that takes a lot of understanding and one of the biggest reasons as to why most people fail in the first place.
First, you need to know that it is not going to happen overnight and sometimes not even in a couple of months.
I’m sure you’ve heard that and probably even tried it but didn’t quite understand it.
Don’t just read that, but understand what I’m saying.
There’s a difference.
If you’re in the business to blog and make money doing it, then guess what you need to do?
Most people think that they can only do one post a week, (which I think is a bunch of baloney) and start bringing in the big bucks like everyone else.
They finish a post in one day and then start blabbing away on social media about how awesome that cheeseburger was when you could be using that time to help grow your blog.
Blogging is a full-time job and if you think that knocking out one post is all you need to do then you are wrong and will definitely not even make $1,000.
Follow along and let me show you how you can make the money that you see others making online through this wonderful thing called blogging.
There Are Many Ways to Monetize Your Blog
Affiliate marketing is most blogger’s bread and butter but I’m one that not only believes that you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket and you should never limit yourself to the amount of money you can make.
Don’t get me wrong, affiliate marketing is a great way to make a lot of money for selling just one product, but that’s not the only way and IT SHOULDN’T be either.
Let me go over several ways that you can make money with your one blog and you will see how everything can add up to thousands of dollars, even with a blog that gets less than 50,000 visitors a month.
Affiliate Marketing:
There’s no better way to make money than by selling other people’s products.
What I don’t like about this is that this is the same spot where all bloggers limit themselves as to how to make money with their blog.
They join one program and promote them like it’s the only thing out there, when there are THOUSANDS of others waiting for you to share and make money with.
Get out of your hole, do some research, and find other products that you can use to make more money.
Amazon is not the only place that pays (although they have a great reputation), but don’t limit yourself to just one affiliate program, as there are thousands of them out there that pay over 50% commissions.
You have to keep in mind that when people are reading your blog, they are getting comfortable with you and gaining that trust.
If you tell them that product A works (even if it’s not from Amazon), they know that you are trustworthy and they will take your advice.
Expan, expand, expand!
Social Media:
This is a great place to start thinking outside the box.
If you haven’t gotten your blog its own fan page, now would be a great time to do it.
Not only are you sharing whatever it is that you are writing about but you are also giving it that exposure to some of the most popular sites that will ultimately help with SEO.
Then you can always boost posts on that same page to gain more exposure, get more likes, and essentially give that blog of yours life.
Whether it’s Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or any other social media outlet, they all offer you a chance to make money with your blog.
You don’t know this, but one website is a really powerful thing when it comes to social media as it allows you to do almost anything you want.
Without one and you are very limited.
Not only is it easy to build a website but it is probably the smallest business investment you will every make and I think it’s actually really fun.
Of course you can use programs like the Wealthy Affiliate, which has everything you need as a blogger, which eliminates having to get a website here and have it hosted somewhere else, which is nothing but a headache and can turn some of you into another direction.
Some bloggers might tell you that Google Adsense is a waste of time but I think otherwise.
I left Adsense out of my monetization strategy because of what the gurus were saying but all this time I was leaving a lot of money on the table.
With a couple of tests, I learned that not only was I making a lot more money by using Adsense, but it also wasn’t taking away from the affiliate sales, which was my only method at the time.
I can’t stress about how much money is left on the table for those of you not utilizing the potential of advertising.
Now who said that Adsense was the only way to make money through advertising?
You can always let it be known that you are accepting ads on your site.
Charge a set fee, run their ad for a month, and voila!
More money being made just for placing someone’s ad on your site.
Once your blog gains more traction, you’ll even have others contact you asking if they can advertise on your site, so you might consider that if you want some quick cash.
Now my ultimate favorite way to make money with advertising is through Pay Per View (PPV) and I don’t mean a showing to the latest UFC event either.
I mean, making money just for people viewing ads on your site!
Thanks to sites like Monumetric, this type of stuff is possible and also the same reason why I know that absolutely any niche can be profitable no matter what anyone tries to tell you.
I thought getting paid for people simply clicking on ads was cool until I found out about PPV.
It’s all in a matter of doing your research and wanting to learn more that will lead to an endless amount of opportunities.
Email Marketing:
I’m sure you’ve heard that “the money is in the list” before and this is true but not the only way to make your money.
Add this to your arsenal though and you are in for some big money.
Nothing beats collecting a bunch of email addresses and marketing to that list by sending out a simple email.
This is exactly how you can print money on the internet and something we online marketers should master.
So when you find yourself messing around on Facebook after you’re done with a blog post, this is just one of the things you should learn and implement.
Email marketing is extremely powerful and if you haven’t started on that list of yours, you really need to get with the program.
Thanks to programs like MLSP, you don’t have to think about creating a product to giveaway and you don’t have to worry about creating any followup emails.
I have tried to do my own email marketing campaign but trust me, it is a lot harder than it seems.
So if you are having the same problem, you might want to think about using those guys.
Invest Back Into Your Business:
It happens all the time and I’ve gone down the same path as well.
We fail to put money back into our businesses simply because we are focusing on making more money.
I mean, isn’t that what we do this for in the first place?
Of course, but why not put some money back in so you can make more money?
As a blogger, we tend to get tunnel vision and things kind of plateau, which I’m sure a lot of you have experienced.
You hit the $5k/month mark and for some reason it can’t go any higher.
You were able to make $5k, so why can’t you make another $5k?
We get complacent.
We get comfortable with what we are making and we just live, with a lot of work being pushed to the side so that you can take the family out to do all kinds of things.
Having a great time is good but don’t forget why you started your journey as a blogger for in the first place or you, my friend, will never break the $10k mark.
Without a doubt, a simple niche website can make you an unimaginable amount of money if you really wanted it to.
I’m not saying one site is all you need but I do think that you need to put a lot of time and effort into just one until you start seeing at lest $5K/month.
Don’t be one of those that think they can manage 3 blogs all alone, just to find out that they are beyond overwhelmed.
In the end, I believe you can make way more than $10,000 a month if you put in the work and effort that is needed to get you there.
It all starts with you and only you can make that first $10k/month.
Get out there, blog your behind off, and never stop looking for ways to improve your blog and most especially yourself.
If you feel you have done enough, you will never grow in this business.
Until next time, never stop learning and always look for ways to grow.
Reward yourself after hard (not sales) and it will help you to grow and ultimately accomplish your goals.
Good luck and thanks for reading!