There are several ways to make money from home that doesn’t require multilevel marketing (MLM).
I was once in that world for a while, before I got tired of pissing my family and friends off.
Now thatI think about it, I actually chased more people away than made money.
Instead of a win/win, that was more of a lose/lost situation and not something for anyone to be proud of.
So if you are thinking that MLM is the only way for the little guy to get out of the 9-5, this post is for you.
What is MLM?
I’m pretty sure you are very familiar with MLM.
You have seen companies like Amway and Tupperware.
They not only offer you products but also a chance to create a business for yourself just for promoting their products.
Most people refer to these multilevel marketing as a “pyramid scheme” but f you are going to say that one company is and one isn’t, then we might have a problem.
I do think that some are just a little more greedy so they have hidden agendas, unlike the ones that are trying to run a legitimate and honest company.
Some also think that MLM is the only way to make money from home (I’m guilty) but I am here to show you otherwise.
MLM is a thing of the past for me and soon will be for you too.
Thanks to the internet, there is a lot more that can be done.
And for the past 5 years, I have been able to make a nice income without having to work a regular old job like everyone else.
Is MLM for you?
I don’t think Multilevel marketing is that bad of a business but it is definitely not the easiest.
It has been around for years, but how many people do you know that are making a lot of money doing it?
MLM is not as easy as it sounds, so don’t let some great marketing video grab you and make you think it will work for you.
If you are not comfortable with talking to people, then you might want to look at other alternatives.
Too many people lose friends and have people ignore them because all they want to do is promote their so called business.
MLM is not the best thing to do, especially with everyone and their mothers knowing about how everything really works.
So What is the Solution?
There isn’t just one way to make money from home but affiliate marketing is one that you might want to consider.
With the lowest startup cost and the ability to bring in a true form of passive income, I’m sure you will agree that this is one business model that can’t be beat.
Not to mention the fact that you work from home (or anywhere you want) and you are the real boss.
There are just too many benefits from this that I can’t help but share the wealth.
What Affiliate Marketing is
Affiliate marketing is nothing more than selling other people’s products with the intention of getting a commission in return.
By becoming an affiliate with Amazon, Macy’s, or any of the online retailers that have an affiliate program, it is very much possible.
But before you get into the money making part of things, let’s go over a few of the components that makes this even possible.
It All Starts With Your Passion
Whether it be skating, photography, or any other interest you may have, there is a business waiting to be created using the affiliate marketing model.
It might sound a bit crazy but just believe me when I say that you can make money with something you are already interested in.
I don’t care what it is, it will work.
And this includes Candy Crush or any weird thing you find interesting.
Next Comes the Name of Your Business
If you aren’t familiar with a domain name, you can read more here.
However, this is nothing more than a name ( which you will be using to run your business from.
Just like any website, you want to choose a name that relates to your interest and also one that you can brand.
I know sounds a bit weird but it is my name and I came up with it early in my online marketing career.
Once you can figure that much out, you will need to have that domain sit somewhere.
Website Hosting
Without this, your site can not be live and seen by the billions of people on the interweb.
Just like domains though, there are many providers for this service that things can get pretty confusing.
I personally like SiteGround but for beginners, you are fine using Wealthy Affiliate, especially with the fact that they literally have everything you need to run your online business.
Once that is in place, you are going to need to know how to add content in a way that you can make money.
That information can be found all over the web but expect to be overwhelmed and most likely quitting at the end of your journey.
My Recommendation
I personally recommend Wealthy Affiliate, as they literally have everything you need to create and run a successful affiliate marketing business.
On top of all the tools and training, you get help from a community of online entrepreneurs along with an actual live chat.
You will not find this anywhere else, so don’t waste your time.
And if that isn’t good enough, I’m also a member of that community, so you can get my personal help as well.
So if you’re ready to get started, follow the simple steps below and you can see how powerful the internet really is.
Step 1 – Create your free account (sign up here)
Step 2 – Follow the classes and do EXACTLY as they say (not what you think)
Step 3 – Make money
I hope you found this post to be helpful to you and that you are ready to start a business like no other.
You can always try to find something better but I can promise you that it is not going to be easy.
This is the same exact method I use to make my living online and it is also responsible for me being able to work from home for the past 5 years.
Let’s not waste anymore of your time and let’s get you started on something that will change your life.
Are you ready for a change?
Then let’s get it!
– John