Too many new online marketers enter the business with the wrong mentality and most especially the wrong programs, which results in a lot of heartache and failure.
A lot of this failure is due to these high ticket programs that give the industry a really bad name due to its affiliates jumping in the way of the real ways of making money online.
After the closing of Digital Altitude (one of the biggest high ticket programs), I can only hope that the rest will follow but it’s a little more complicated than that.
The owners of these programs have tweaked and transformed a complete ponzi scheme into something that seems legit and I would like to share these little “secrets” with those of you who are thinking about joining one or even if you are already in one but still don’t know what you got yourself into.
Follow along as I explain how these sites operate so that you know exactly what you are involved in or about to be apart of.
What is a High Ticket Program?
An educational platform that will show you how to become the best online marketer in the world.
A way to make thousands of dollars on the internet by following their system.
Confused is what I like to call them as they can’t even decide what they are and that is only because of one thing and one thing only.
They are trying to avoid being called a ponzi scheme or a scam.
Theses sites know exactly what they are but they try to come up with a way that will sit well with the FTC so that they don’t get shutdown and that is the truth.
So although they claim to be some type of online education platform, they are very much nothing but overpriced training with no tangible products that REQUIRE recruiting in order for you to make money.
Their Program is Better
Every high ticket program uses the same type of marketing strategy and if you are new, your eyes will light up and might even give in if you have the means to do so.
“Why make small commissions when you can make 100% commissions?”
“Amazon pays too little”
The list goes on about how you are promoting the wrong products and in the wrong niche, which I think is a bunch of baloney.
The Amazon Associates program is the absolute best platform for affiliate marketers, so don’t let these high ticket programs fool you.
“Why Make 4% When You Can Make 100%”
Let me just be the first to tell you that there is always a hidden agenda when it comes to 100% commissions.
I’m not saying they don’t exist but there is usually a catch to these things and the owners will always come out winning.
Anyone that tells you otherwise is involved with a high ticket program that they are promoting so that they can take your money.
Discouraging you from running a legitimate online business by hyping up the same exact program they are trying to sell.
I am all about making more money but I have a problem when people are doing it illegitimately just so they can make money.
How Money is Made With High Ticket Programs
They can talk about the training and whatnot all they want but the real way money is made would by by recruiting.
Of course you can go out there and talk to people about your so called “opportunity” but what these guys have put together is a little bit different.
By taking advantage of those in desperate need of money and simply just don’t know any better, they put together a bunch of different landing pages that will get you to watch some video about how much money they make or some fancy cars and other nonsense.
Of course you will get curious and then that will lead to more marketing that works completely against you.
Have you pay for some training on how to promote the same training you just bought so you can go out there and give the same presentation that got you to join the first place.
They then use more marketing strategies to have you feel like you are losing out on something, which will entice you to purchasing one of their higher priced products.
This is very much required or you won’t even be able to make any money.
Buy Before You Sell
This part of the scheme is disguised with something called “resell rights”.
In the online world, this is just a way for them to make you purchase something so that the person who brought you in makes money.
The process is repeated and that is really all there is to it.
I know you see people all over the net showing you how they made $1,000 from one sale and all that hype but they never mention the fact that they are still in debt after purchasing the other up-sells.
Before you can make any type of commissions with a high ticket program, you will need to purchase them before you can make anything.
If you want to make $100, you need to spend $100.
If you want to make $10,000 then guess what?
You need to spend $10,000.
No one has that type of money laying around and this is where things get out of control.
High Ticket Programs Are Not Ethical
The whole system behind a high ticket program is designed to have you pulling out your credit card.
Now when someone does not have that credit card loaded with $30,000 they will try to tell them to get a loan or ask family and friends, which is actually really crazy if you ask me.
Then again, these practices might be changed as all these product owners are in fear of getting shutdown, sued, and sent to jail like the other big shots that got caught.
I mean, are you really comfortable with telling someone that they can make thousands of dollars just so you can make money?
Don’t fall into the trap of these conmen.
I have been apart of a high ticket program in the early days of my online career and I will never tell you they are legit just so I can take your money.
However, if you are looking to make real money online without ripping people of, affiliate marketing is definitely the way to go.
Selling actual products that offer commissions, without having to recruit anyone for that to happen.
That’s how real money is made online.
Other than that, I hope you can see the bigger picture when it comes to high ticket programs as I wouldn’t want you to waste thousands of dollars, especially when the program you joined gets shutdown.
If you see anyone promoting a lavish lifestyle and crazy amounts of cash, just avoid them too as they are most likely another high ticket program.
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