Name: Global Domains International (GDI)
Owners: Michael Starr & Alan Ezier
Type of Business: MLM
Price: $10
Overall Rating: 50/100
I completely forgot that I was apart of GDI until someone asked me if this was a scam.
I couldn’t even remember what this company was about until he mentioned that it involved the whole .ws type of domain name.
That’s when the light turned on.
I am no longer affiliated with this company, so you can expect nothing but an unbiased and honest review from a former member.
Nothing bitter or animosity with this company but I just found a better way to make money online.
You can always check that out, in case you wanted to see what I think is the best make money from home program.
Besides that, let’s get on with the show.
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What GDI is
A domain ( provider with an opportunity to make money.
By inviting others to purchase their own domain name through GDI, you can earn a commission.
This is the same reason you see people promoting this, which I have zero problems with.
What’s so Good About This?
I guess you can say I was bought by they hype.
I was new to the world of making money online and I jumped on every single program that came my way.
Hoping and praying that it would be the end to my hunt of finally making even a dollar online.
It wasn’t until I ran into a program called Wealthy Affiliate before I started making any money online, but GDI was one of the first one I ever bought into.
This business is so simple but can be very confusing, especially when you’re not making any money.
Even if you thought it was going to happen just like that.
The Good
Although I didn’t make a single penny with this program, that doesn’t make it a bad one.
I do find some positive things about this, so don’t be so quick to judge.
First thing I liked was the fact that you can actually make money.
It may not be a lot of money, but it is better than most.
Then you have a very small investment on your part, which also makes it easier for others to join you.
Even if there isn’t really much of a product to offer.
I mean, who starts a “business” for that cheap?
I’ve ran a couple of businesses and they all cost me thousands just to get started.
This one cost me pennies.
GDI has been around for quite some time, so you can’t expect a company to be around if they had a bad name.
For a company to be around for that long, that says a lot about them.
The best part about his company is that there are no up-sells.
You get in for what they told you it was going to cost, and that is it.
None of this, “want to make more money, purchase this” type of nonsense.
Oh and there’s a 7 day free trial.
This can work against you or it can help you.
For the most part, I look at this as a way to trap you, but it does give you the chance to test things out before you buy.
If not, please don’t forget to cancel your membership, because they will pull your money, whether you like it or not.
The Bad
There aren’t more bad that come out of this one, but they are pretty big in regards to whether or not you should invest.
The first thing I didn’t like was the product. I mean, there really isn’t one if you really think about it.
What would you tell your friends?
Hey wanna buy a .ws?
They’ll look at you like you’re crazy.
I have a lot of friends and I don’t think any of them can use a .ws in their lives.
I am a full-time online marketer and I have yet to come across a .ws domain name in the SERPS.
Who really uses that anyways?
The site is also confusing.
As a newb to the online world, I couldn’t even find out how to get to my affiliate link.
I know the site has been around for a very long time, but I think it’s time for an upgrade, especially with the field they’re in.
Then comes the commissions.
$1 can add up very quickly, but getting people to purchase what you are offering will be the hard part.
It is then ran in the form of multilevel marketing, so you will be running some type of pyramid scheme type operation.
Are There any Hidden Costs?
$10 is all you need to get started, but don’t forget that you will have to be paying that every single month in order to remain “active”.
I mean, all you’re really promoting is a domain name and you can get that for a year with Godaddy for $.99.
Then again, there is a business side to things here.
Other than that, you can expect to spend $10 and that is it.
No hidden costs and no hidden agendas either.
So is GDI a Scam?
Would I recommend it?
Probably not.
This is definitely not a scam though, so if anyone tells you otherwise, just disregard what they said.
Product Overview
Name: Global Domains International
Owner: Michael Starr
Price: $10
Overall Rating: 50/100
Although I don’t recommend this, it can work for some of you if you can network and get people to purchase domain names from you.
This is really a get in where you fit in type of business.
So if you can see yourself making this work, then do not let anything hold you back.
What I Really Think
This is going to be a hard sale, no matter what you think.
I know some people that have had some success with this, but it’s nothing that will last long.
People that you do get signed up under you will eventually quit if they can’t get a single person to join, so keep that in mind.
Where will that leave you?
Looking for the latest and greatest way to make money online.
Don’t set yourself up for failure and invest in something that will pay you forever.
Checkout my #1 recommendation and see how I make my living completely online.
If I can do it, then you can too.
Thanks for reading my review of Global Domains International and hopefully I have given you more than enough information for you to make a wise decision.
Whatever it is that you decide to do, I wish you nothing but success. Cheers!
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A Work at Home Jobs
Dear John,
Thanks for the thorough review on Global Domains International and I wanted to give you a thumps up. You have addressed all the details I need to know. I’ve tried out many other programs online and failed to make any money with all of them. So I always read reviews about products to gain more knowledge before buying it. Your review is very helpful I will come back to your website to learn more information. Thanks again.
Your Friend,