Payin Night is the latest scam to land on my lap and I had to do an immediate review before they take everyone on the net for a ride.
Whether you feel you have nothing to lose because of their no cost membership, I’m sure you will benefit from this review.
There are just too many people falling for this scheme and if you’re not careful, you might lose more than you think.
This review won’t be long so do read it to the end before you join something you end up regretting.
Payin Night Review
Name: Payin Night
Owner: Unknown
Price: Free
Overall Rating: SCAM!
Product Overview
Payin Night is a site claiming to make you $500 right away and $1500 within your first week by simply joining and doing minimal tasks
After creating your “job personal account”, you are given small tasks that pay you anywhere from $5 – $75 a pop.
If you didn’t think this was too good to be true, you really need some guidance through the online world or you will be one of thousands making these scammers money.
How the Scam Works
The site is a very simple scheme as they use the same template as their other scams and all they do is change the name.
The names usually don’t make any sense and they all come with the same poor grammar and claims to make you a lot of money.
It is free to join so of course you feel you have nothing to lose.
After signing up, you are immediately credited with $25 as well as the opportunity to make more money by getting other people to join.
This is exactly what they want.
Then of course you will do the same because you don’t have to pay a single penny, but please don’t let this fool you.
By having you meet their minimum threshold of $300 before you can withdraw any money gives them time for you to keep promoting this before you realize that you won’t get paid.
Scheme complete.
Payin Night Will Not Pay
So after all the spamming you’ve been doing on Facebook to get others to join your free opportunity, you have now met the threshold of $300 and you’re ready to cash out.
Sadly enough, you’ll have a lot of people out there showing others their back office to Payin Night telling people that they have “proof” when that is not proving anything.
That same balance that you show people will of course increase because you are going to do more little tasks and more recruiting, but I can promise you that that’s where it will remain.
In your back office.
You will not be credited to your Paypal account or whatever account you are using, so please don’t be one of those showing “proof” just to get others to join under you.
You Have a Lot to Lose
Having the mentality of “I have nothing to lose” is a great way to lose it all.
By giving these guys valuable information like your Paypal account and all that, they will try to match your information hoping that you used the same password for your Payin Night account.
So when you think you have nothing to lose, keep in mind that these little hackers will do whatever it takes to get money from you.
And yes, these free to join sites may be free, but go about things carelessly and you can become another victim of identity theft.
Payin Night is a Scam
If the poor grammar and misuse of the $ sign wasn’t enough, I’m sure this review will open your eyes a little more.
If this isn’t enough to show you that this is a scam, you might want to take a look at some of their other schemes that use the same theme.
These are only a few of the same scams these guys are promoting and all this is done from the Philippines and other countries that they hide from.
Payin Night is a scam so don’t even create an account if you haven’t already.
And please do not go around spamming social media with this nonsense that you know nothing about.
At a Glance
Name: Payin Night
Owner: Unknown
Price: Free
Final Verdict: This site is a big fat scam. You will not make any money and no matter what amount you see in your back office, it will not be transferred to your Paypal account. Period.
My Recommendation
Stay away from this site or any site that has this website template.
They are ran by the same people and they will never stop unless people can actually be scam smart and stop giving into these sites.
If you want to make money online I can promise you that there is no secret program and there is no push button magic software either.
Trust me, I’ve been in your shoes before and as much as I wanted one of these things to work, reality set in real quick after I lost thousands of dollars.
After falling for the many scams on the internet I have finally made back every penny (and a lot more) by finally putting in the work like every other successful online marketer.
The program I use is called the Wealthy Affiliate and there is really nothing like it out there.
They don’t promise any type of overnight success, but the training and support offered there will prove to you that money can be made online.
Other than that, please don’t join any site that promises you’ll make even $20 overnight because they really don’t exist.
Thanks for reading my Payin Night review and hopefully I have saved you from giving in to another too good to be true scam.
Thanks for reading!
– John
A Work at Home Jobs
Thank you for the review. I signed up with them and put all my kids names and friends names but no personal info. I was trying to see if the money would add up and if they would actually pay me anything since it was free. I couldn’t see any way of drawing out the money that had added up and no way to contact them. Also, I didn’t have a paypal account so maybe that’s why they didn’t ask me for anything. I was trying to figure out how they were going to try and scam me because I kept expecting them to ask for money to send me money or something but now I can see how they could have possibly hacked my accounts with password I used or got other personal info if I had been gullible enough to give them anything. Thanks again for explaining further.
My fiancees ex joined that payin might sure even told him about it so I’ll be showing him this so he can tell her it’s a scam (not that she will listen) but what sort of website would work for that which isn’t a scam?
I don’t work for any website as I do a thing called affiliate marketing, which I learned through a program called the Wealthy Affiliate. You can learn more about them through this review and you will see exactly what I do.
its just a scam..
It sure is!
I just made my account yesterday in pay in account, and now i just read your article and made me realize that its only a scam, i just wasted my time ?
Sometimes we have to learn the hard way Mathet so don’t worry. At least you didn’t have to pay any money, right? Have you tried the Wealthy Affiliate? That’s what I use to make money online and although it isn’t completely free, it absolutely works. They do offer a free trial, so give that a try and see what they’re all about. Click here to join for free and let me know what you think!
that *wealthy affiliate, can you explain more of that membership fee?
Wealthy affiliate has a free membership and a paid membership which costs $49/month and that’s it.
Thank you sir John for the review I also sign up for this site and when I am about to claim nothing happens. Ya you’re right if someone’s offering an online job for free beware because it’s to good to be true.
I promoted it in my website:
I’m from Philippines and for those who want to have an online job just visit my site
Yeah don’t promote this stuff Jennifer, it is nothing but a scam.
Hi John question for you. I’m a medical biller and I would love to do this from home what would your site offer me and do you forward clientele?
I don’t have a site Helen, but I do recommend one called the Wealthy Affiliate, which is the same site that showed me everything I know about making money online. Click here to learn more about this program and you will see what it can offer you.
Thanks for the info John… I’ve already joined in this site just this morning…fortunately I don’t have any credit cards like paypal..hahaha but i put my gmail account as one of the information is that would be okay?
That’s fine Chila, just make sure your passwords aren’t the same as your Paypal account.
I am a member of the #1 travel club in the world!!!! Travel for free and make money doing so, you will love it. No schedules, no office booths and you can do it from anywhere. Don’t go falling for these get rich quick schemes, they’re all scams!!! Get on board…… Recently opened in Guam, Latvia and Jamaica.
Which is?
I signed up for this site and it is a scam. Unfortunately, I advertised this site under my business name and asked clients to sign up. I am inquiring about a possible law suite or class action suit.
The owners of this scam are operating outside the US so it’s really hard to get them. There are many others that promote this site like it works, so just spread the word about it and just understand that not a single program out there is going to make you money as easy as these guys claim it to be. Lesson learned.
I Want to join payinnight
No you don’t Raj. Payin Night is a scam, so don’t join it or anything else like it.
Is it alarming if you already register on that scam job? I mean, is our details and other can be stolen out from registering on that site? Or just nothing to worry?
Just make sure you don’t have any of your passwords matching. If your password that you used to create your PayinNight account is the same as your Paypal account, you definitely want to change it.
Thanks for the review sir John
Please give me some legit site that I can earn a real money .. At least I can do it part time ..
I’m from Philippines ..
I’m not sure if you can join Wealthy Affiliate, but give it a try and let me know if you are able to or not and then we can go from there.
Click here to try Wealthy Affiliate for FREE!
Hi john
You are doing Great job sir to advise people to keep away from these scams..kindly let me know of any online job where I can earn more..
You might want to checkout a program called the Wealthy Affiliate Muhammad. Depending on where you’re from, they offer a free membership, so I suggest you check them out. Click here to see a full review of that program.
bulshit that payinnigth na yan. malaman ko lang yan. ipapatumba ko yan. nako.
nag email ako. na recieve ko na blanko ang site. missing. nako. andami ko pa naman nang visit na hayop na yon. naitindihan mo ba ako john. kung naintindihan mo ako. kailangan ko ng tulong mo
Wish I could understand Cejay! If you can, please explain yourself in English or if anyone understand what he said, please let me know.
May I know john what country are you from?
I’m from a tiny little island called Guam Nyla.
Payin is wasting my time!!!! John i need a homebase job/ online job pls. Help me thank you. God Bless
I recommend This program Coney. Give it a try and let me know what you think!
Can i ask what is the legit online job that is good for money earnings??
Please help me i really need it for my future baby.?
Click here to see what I recommend Angel.
Hi john i need a homebase job/online job i am a mother of a 3years old. I need to focus my daugther but at the same time i need a job… Hope you will help me john thank you so much and God Bless
How to make it online job?
Use this program Edralyn and please try to stay away from anything too good to be true like Payin Night.
Did you receive any money through payinnight?
If you read my review, it clearly states that I didn’t make any money with Pay Night and no one else did either.
My friend say”s he has made almost $5,000.00 with payinnight.
There are a lot that say they’ve made thousands and if you read my review, it explains exactly why they do that. They can make a million dollars in their Payin Night account for all we care, but it will never actually get paid out to their Paypal account.
Please give me an online job. You may email me at or
Gosh. I just realized it now. And I post it to every person I know. Although, I have nothing to lose like money but my image as me is big deal. I feel so embarrassed on my situation right now that i send them that link.
I am a full time mom with 3 girls ,, I also got that 300$ more within a day in paying night .. I am so excited to pay it out but the worst is ,, I can’t get my earning .. Am so disappointed because as a mother and had a poor life here in a province in the Philippines I really need that amount hoping that was true .. But sadly its just a big BIS SCAM ???????
Definitely a scam Jhayne!
Sir please give me an online job, i really need it.. thank you, Godbless
What are you interested in doing?
Yeah i think that website is a totally scam i earn about $350
But when im trying get my pay i can’t so totally scam anyone can hack that website ?
hi guys,
im a fulltime mom looking for extra income. I tried payinnight, I copy and paste, and I was very excited to make the 300$. For the whole night I made it…but when I request for payment,,,oh my God…I wasted my time. This is a scam!
Yup, this is a scam.
So am I..
Is there any online job that i can get money? a legal online job for student like me?
Where are you from Joseph?
Damn, I lost time because of this. Please friends, don’t use the web site!!!!!!
I wish i could turn back the time…and i hope my friends will not get mad at me by inviting them to join… stupid I was to register and invite some of my friends.
Don’t worry Jay, I did the same thing with a site called Up-survey and you really can’t help but at least give it a try since it’s free and you see something in your account.
Just learn from this and do know that making money online requires work and it isn’t going to happen with something as easy as this. Try this program right here and see how real money is made online and quit wasting your time with this free nonsense.
hahahaha It is a definitely a scam. I thought it was fun at first earning money but when you try to cash out, there are a lot of surveys that aren’t available and that’s when I knew nobody’s ever been paid.
My question is there is no registration fee and all so how do they get money from this John?
Sometimes they have you pay for one of the surveys which is like $49 so you can withdraw your money and you never receive it, but they get the $49. If not that, then they will try to steal your information and get into your Paypal account and try to transfer your money there into one of theirs or straight up steal your identity.
Ithought its free.. But wen i sign in i need to pay 49$??? (wealthy affiliate)
There are several countries that aren’t allowed to join WA due to the amount of fraud that comes from there, so you might be from one of those countries Jhen, so I’m sorry about that. You can try using the link below and see if it allows you to get the membership though and let me know if it works.
Click Here to Join Wealthy Affiliate!
It is really a scam.. I tried it and I have wasted my time.I have even fooled other people because I have posted it on social media.At the end after I have reached the said amount,there’s no payment at all.I have to delete all my posts and my messages to my friends.Sooo embarassing.. It’s too late when I decided to search google for reviews hahaha damn. Lesson learned.
Definitely move on and just learn from this Nexos. There is no way to make money this easily so don’t fall for this type of stuff anymore. Checkout this program right here if you want to make money online. It does require work, but the end result is very much worth it. Hope this helps!
This payinnight crap is bullshit. Doesnt pay anything ay all really all your doing is promoting there pages making these kunts richer. Do not fall for this. WARNING THIS IS A SCAM
Thank you for the review I needed to hear before giving it a try. I will not bother now. You’ve had a tremendous amount of patience with these people asking YOU why they didn’t get paid?!
Yeah they probably think I own that site, lol. It’s all good though, I don’t mind.
Hahaha ncurious lng aq mgjoin at mgcreate ng account… masasabi ko lng. IT IS NOT SCAM, Wla nmn aq investment n pera.. im just copy & paste lng s fb and social network… No matter what happend mcredit skin.. im just try
MASABI ntn to SCAM kung hiningan ka ng pera para mgjoin 😉 peo wla nmn any bank information.. anyway katuwaan lng.. wla nmn masama n sumubok dhil copy & paste lng nmn
It is a scam Abbhie and I’m not sure what you’re saying, but did you get the money or is it just in your Payin Night account? There’s a difference between getting actual money and having it in your Payin Night account because EVERYONE has it showing in their account but not ANYONE is getting real money, so please don’t say you’re making money when you have nothing to show for it.
You’re wrong. Once na na reach mo ang qouta nilang 300$ at mag ask ka na ng payment mo may ipafilld up sau na form. Ilalagay mo dun ang infos mo at ang acct.number mo. Good thing for me di ko ginawa dahil Im aware na may mga modus tlagang ganito.
English please Joan
Hahahaha na curious ako, then after I reached the amount, nothing happened, so april fools! Big scam! ?
I wish it was an April Fools joke, but it’s nothing but a scam!
Why cant i click the payment via?? My other friends have reached more than 400 dollars in there account.please do something about this.effort so much just to get this payout.
Because it’s a scam, that’s why. Don’t waste your time here Yanissa, no one is getting paid.
Sir I am not getting paid in my account329$.please information.
Read my review sir, it will tell you everything about this site and how it works. I clearly state that it is a scam and you need to stop wasting your time here and with other sites like it. The only way to make money online is by work and dedication. There is NO PROGRAM out there that will pay you that much money in such a short amount of time. This is a SCAM!