is the latest scam to land on my lap and I had to immediately do a review before you and everyone else falls for another too good to be true site promising to pay you for doing simple tasks.
This is one of thousands of websites that operate the same way, using the same theme, and giving the same empty promises.
The only difference is the name and that is about it.
Rather than trying to explain how everything works, I want to keep this short and to the point so this won’t take much of your time.
Good job in doing your research and not jumping into things like every other desperate person out there who is trying to make money online.
I am not here to promote this site so that I can make money like your so called friends are doing on Facebook, so please listen to what I have to say.
Net Duty Club Review
Name: Net Duty
Owner: Unkown
Price: Free
Overall Rating: SCAM!
Product Overview makes the claim of making you money for doing simple tasks on their site to include getting others to join in return for a commission.
The site has no indication of who owns or runs the site and that is simply because these guys have a hidden agenda that you will get caught in if you’re not careful.
Yes, it is Free to Join Net Duty
Of course you’re going to signup to something if it’s free and says that you can make money.
With the thought of having nothing to lose is almost a no-brainer deal and also the same reason why there are so many people signing up to this site and the others like it.
For the most part, you won’t have to pay anything unless you give into their option of paying for something so that you can get the money you have earned for doing all these little tasks.
Join For Free But Don’t Expect to Get Paid
The big question that comes with this site is if you will get paid.
After doing your tasks, getting other people to join, and meeting their minimum threshold of $300, you are beyond excited to get paid.
Come time to cash out, they will have every excuse in the book as to why you can’t get your money.
“You have to wait for the week that the site pays”
“You didn’t meet their minimum threshold”
Whatever excuse they throw at you is only to show that they are not going to pay.
NO ONE IS MAKING MONEY HERE unless you give into their pitch of paying for a small item to speed up the process.
DO NOT PUT ANY MONEY and/or sensitive information into this site because not only will they take your money and run, but they will try to take that information and try to get into your Paypal account.
It has happened to me and trust me, it is not worth it.
Red Flags
I know we are all desperate to make money and you will see many people on social media showing you “proof” that they are getting paid.
Fake Proof
Login to your back office of Net Duty and yes, you will have a balance in there, but that does not mean that anyone got some real money.
Until they show you the money from their Paypal account or through a check, do not believe anything that anyone tells you because no one is making a single penny besides the owners.
Poor Grammar
I’m not a grammar police, but if you’re running a site that has anything to deal with money, you need to know exactly what it is that you are talking about.
“get paid for task work”?
Are you serious?
This is beyond a bad sign and should be more than enough reason for you to stay away.
The Dollar Sign
Talking about money is a simple thing and even my son knows where the dollar sign goes.
Putting it before the number is not a small mistake and again, should be another indicator of what type of scheme these guys are running.
No Owner
I’m proud of everything I do and there is no reason to NOT have my name on my site.
To have it hidden from everyone is a huge sign that you are not a legitimate person looking out for other people.
More Scams
I have reviewed dozens of sites like this and it is really hard to keep up, which is why I have to try to keep these reviews short and to the point.
If you have not come across another one of these scams you will see that they all use the same website theme and even the same logo.
My Cash Duty and Payin Night are the most recent scams I’ve reviewed from these guys and although they have a different logo, they are still ran by the same owners.
You will also notice that the names make no sense at all and believe it or not, people still think it is cool
Net Duty?
That just sounds weird.
Final Verdict: SCAM
These types of sites need to stop, but it’s really impossible because they are running their operation from overseas where it is really hard for them to get in trouble as I’m sure no one even cares.
Save your time and money and stay away from the Net Duty scam or you will soon think that everything online is a scam and it will ruin things for you.
What I Recommend
If something seems too good to be true, then it most likely is.
You are not going to make money doing nothing, so keep that in mind or you will never make a single penny online.
There are literally only a handful of legitimate ways to make money online and my #1 recommendation will always be a program called the Wealthy Affiliate.
So if you’re looking to make something online, that is what you need to try.
Stop giving into sites like Net Duty and use something that actually works.
Thanks for reading my Net Duty Club review and hopefully I have given you more than enough information to show you that this is nothing but a waste of time.
Good luck and please do share this so that others can see the truth behind this scam.
Tired of Scams? Click Here to See My #1 Recommendation!
– John
A Work at Home Jobs