Wondering if this is another too good to be true scam? This Knievel Money review will explain how everything works here before you join something you’ll end up regretting.
You can expect nothing but an honest review because I am not affiliated with this although I can promote this like everyone else is doing simply because they can make money with this.
There aren’t many legit ways to make money online and although trading binary options is one of them, I’d like to give you a better understanding of how things are done before you start thinking you’re going to become an overnight success story.
Knievel Money Review
Name: Knieval Money
Owner: “Jason Evans”
Website: www.knievelmoney.com
Price: Free
Overall Rating: SCAM!
Product Overview
Knievel Money is a software that allows you to trade binary options on autopilot.
It is the product of Jason Evans who uses Evel Knievel and his risk taking mentality to market this product, as well as why we have the name “Knievel Money”.
Who This is For
Anyone looking to take a risk.
Well at least that’s the target market for this product.
The old me would’ve given into this type of stuff, but after trying product after product, failing over and over again, I have finally learned my lesson.
There’s taking risks and then there’s flat out just desperate.
Is Knievel Money Worth the Risk?
Of course not and I want to explain why.
Binary options is cool and I like the whole concept of trading, but there is no software out there that is going to make you win as many trades as this claims.
Have you ever flipped a coin?
Well that’s exactly how things are done here and if you’re that lucky then you might actually win more trades than most.
Regardless of whether you’re winning or not, the shady broker will step in and stop you in your tracks.
This system is setup so that the owner wins and that’s about it.
How Knieval Money Works
So on top of the claim that you’ll make $1,227 per day there is also a claim that this software is free.
Just because something is free doesn’t mean you’re not going to fork out any money as I’m sure you know there’s nothing that’s ever really free, especially on the internet.
So after opting in to the many signup forms that come with this site, you will finally get to a point where they have you signup to one of their recommended brokers.
This is also the part where the owner (“Jason”) makes his money.
By using their affiliate link, they are able to get a commission from whatever deposit you make to that broker.
Now Does the Software Work?
Remember how I mentioned the coin flip?
Because that’s exactly how your results will be.
You win some and you lose some.
At this point, the owner of this product does not care if you win or not and they’d be happier if you actually put more money into your account so they can make more.
You can now expect some rude scammer calling you asking how much money you really want to make trading binary options.
They’ll try to get you to deposit thousands of dollars claiming that you need to invest a lot of money to make money when that’s what this Jason Evans character said we only needed $200 and then we can make thousands of dollars.
The Real Price
Sure using the software is free, but they did mention that all he put in was $200 before he became rich overnight.
Back in the day it used to be $200 but these days things have gone up and brokers now require a minimum deposit of $250.
Did you really think anyone would let you use their make thousands of dollars product for free?
Of course you didn’t.
At a Glance
Name: Knievel Money
Real Owner: Unknown
Real Price: $250
Final Verdict: SCAM!
Another binary options trading software scam that promises a lot but produces nothing. Avoid this at all costs so please do not add more money to these scammer’s bank accounts.
Knievel Money is a Scam
If you thought this was just too good to be true great job in doing your research.
I know they show “proof” of people making money, but do know that these people were hired on sites like Fiverr.com and they made $5 just for making a fake testimonial.
And if you think this Jason Evans dude is real, think again.
This is just another fake actor who knows nothing about trading or making money online.
If this thing was so legit don’t you think everyone would be doing it by now?
That’s because it’s not and there are many, many other sites like this out there that have the same scam tactics.
What I Really Think
I know you want to make money online and in most cases the people drawn to this type of stuff are those that don’t even have money to begin with.
Do yourself a favor and save that $250 for something that you might need.
We all want a financial break and I’m sure the whole idea behind this sounded like “the one”, but I can promise you it’s not.
If you want to make money on the internet it is going to require some work and most especially patience.
There is no get rich program out there and there is no secret to making a lot of money online.
You can read more here and see exactly how I made my first $1,000 and how I managed to make more and more of it all from the comfort of my home.
Other than that, I have probably tried every type of scam out there and I can assure you that the only person winning is the creator of these products.
You can always checkout my #1 recommendation to see how money is really made online or you can do what Jason says and take a risk with this nonsense.
In the end, the decision is really up to you but I do hope that this Knievel review has given you everything you need to know before you make the same mistake I did.
Until next time, be scam smart and quit chasing the shiny little object!
– John
A Work at Home Jobs