I have been asked many, many times if Wealthy Affiliate is a scam and most people want to see either testimonials or complaints that people have towards this online training program, so I thought I’d give you the low down on what some may consider as the best way to make money online.
I am a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate so I thought that I’d gather as many complaints I can since the so called “complaints” that I’ve seen are nothing to prove the legitimacy or a problem that comes with something with not many issues.
First Things First, What is Wealthy Affiliate?
This is nothing more than a training facility which shows you how to sell products through affiliate marketing, which is simply selling products you don’t own, which you will promote to gain a commission in the process.
It is also a community of like minded individuals who help each other create their own online business without recruiting or any type of network marketing model that you can think of.
What WA is Not
It is not network marketing or MLM and it does not require you to sell their product to make any money. Like I said, you will be selling other people’s products, from which you will make money from.
It is not a scam and I don’t think you can put the word scam anywhere near this program. It has been around for 10 years and it has created some of the most successful online businessmen I have ever met in my life.
I have actually come across two complaints that claim that this is a scam, but I completely understand what is happening. Here are some of the complaints that seem to surface when it comes to this program and anything associated with it.
Complaint #1 – “I lost my write access”
This is done when members try and promote other products or put completely obscene or offensive material on the site.
Wealthy Affiliate is about teaching and helping its members create their own business and not about multilevel marketing or network marketing.
Try and promote your own business and expect to get banned. Try and put explicit or offensive content and you will also get your writing privileges revoked.
What’s really funny is that an ex-member has gone out of his way to call WA a scam for this reason and it really has nothing to do with the company being a scam.
Complaint #2 – “It’s too expensive”
This is my favorite one. Being that WA is a membership site, it is going to cost you $47/month if you do decide to be a member. They do give you the opportunity to get your first month’s membership for $19, but it will eventually cost you $47 the next month.
Being that I am a businessman, I have spent thousands of dollars operating several businesses. Some have flourished and some have failed, but they all cost me thousands just to get started.
To be able to start a business for $47 is unheard of in the world of investing and making money. So to think this costs too much is kind of absurd.
If you are not willing to invest any money into your business then you really have no business trying to start one in the first place.
If you have the mentality that you can make money with no investment, then you are apart of the “I don’t want to do any work but I want to make money” party. Sorry to say, but it does not work that way.
Complaint #3 – “My country is not supported”
There are several countries that aren’t offered the free trial, but they can go premium if they want to. I don’t have a list of what countries aren’t supported, but you can tell right off the bat once you try and signup for the free membership, because it will either let you in, or tell you that you can only join by going premium.
Complaint #4 – “I can’t cancel my membership”
I just saw someone complaining about this one and boy were they pissed. I really can’t see how people can misunderstand the whole canceling of your account process.
It’s really simple and once you cancel, you won’t ever be billed again. If you can’t comprehend this step, you really shouldn’t be trying to do any type of online marketing.
Unlike most companies that give you the run around before you can actually cancel your membership, this one is absolutely self explanatory.
Complaint #5 – “I’m overwhelmed”
This is very common, but anyone can overcome this. I really had no idea on how money was made online, but I knew for a fact that there were people making a lot of it.
I stuck to the training and made it a point to really understand what I was doing and the rest is history. Although I think that I know everything when it comes to online marketing, there is so much to learn when it comes to this wonderful business.
Final Thoughts
The lessons that are taught within WA are designed for you to create your own business. You are woking for yourself and no one else.
If you can’t grasp the concept, you really need to sit down and understand how money is made online or you’ll continue to be skeptical about the whole making money online process.
These are some of the complaints that I’ve seen within WA and across the web, so I hope this can help you understand what you will be getting yourself into before you join this program.
I do suggest you at least give them a try and leave all the nonsense out. If you can do that, you can create an online business that can and will do more for you than you actually think.
Get out there and make something out of this or be on the whining side of things and move on to the next best thing. I can promise you that there aren’t any programs like this out there, but if you can show me one, I would be more than happy to give it a try. Cheers!
A Work at Home Jobs
thanks to sharing best reviews of wealthy affiliate yes there is one of the best community to help us even step by step
Not a problem Asghar and I’m glad you’re liking WA. Most people don’t see the potential because of every other “this works” program out there. The real step to being successful with WA, is to create a free starter account. Once you get in, you will know that you have landed on something completely legit. Like you said, the community is there to help, which is how the most successful online marketers are created there.