Name: Ripoff Report
Owner: Ed Magedson
Overall Rating: 3.5/5 stars
I recently ran into a website called the ripoff report and I wanted to let you guys in on another so called scam that is letting people think they are getting a positive reviews from “normal people”. I had to do a review on the Ripoff Report simply because it is a site full of whining from different people that aren’t making any money online and why you shouldn’t believe everything on that site. The Ripoff Report website is a great Idea from Ed Magedson which he created in 1998 but you need to know the truth.
This my friend is a marketing technique that you should and should not believe. Just because they have an awesome website name, it doesn’t mean that they are something you can believe or rely on. Just like the sites says, it is reviews from people, for people and not from an individual that has had success with any product or actually got scammed.
Having a bunch of people whine on your site would of course let your site be that much more credible than other sites and of course get more rankings than other sites simply by having tons of people blog on that site. Do not let this fool you my friend and read into my Ripoff Report review and I will show you the Ripoff Report’s hidden agenda.
The Ripoff Report Whiners Blog
I like the Ripoff Report’s idea and how it has been around since 1998. The Ripoff Report is really just a blogging platform for people all over the world to whine about different products. I went through most of these so called “reviews” and I have found a bunch of them to be a bunch of BS.
If you are new to the online marketing world you will need to know that testing a product is not using a product. Using a bogus email to try a product out is not actually using a product. There are too many scams online and you will probably run into a bunch of them and probably end up quitting because of these people that are ruining it for everyone.
Getting advice from a blog that people just do a bunch of whining about is not a legit review my friend. And to be honest with you, most review blogs are always trying to promote this and promote that. Look at Wealthy Business Online for example, We DO NOT just promote one product and we don’t make a commission from everything we promote.
This website is more of finding scams that you need to stay away from and what opportunities are actually out there. Unlike most people, we don’t “test” out products, we actually use them and know if you can actually make money ethically and honestly.
The Ripoff Report Truth
The Ripoff Report website is actually something that has made Ed millions. When doing business online you need to focus on something specific and in Ed’s case, he chose ripoff reports as his theme. Most people jump around everywhere without giving a product a chance and eventually quit. That is what most of the subscribers do from the Ripoff Report.
In the online world, you are not going to make money half-assing anything. Using a product for one week is not trying, that is called testing. You don’t want a review from someone that has tested a product and haven’t given it the effort that is needed to actually make an income online
If you look on, you will see that there are tons of affiliate ads on that website and those are not products that Ed actually uses to make money online. I have to give it up to Ed for having this site for different users to find the so called truth about different products, but don’t believe the users of the site but rather use them as a guide to what you actually end up using online.
What the Ripoff Report Reports
The Ripoff Report is a great website that gives “reports” on many different products and it is actually from people that have tried different products, most especially online marketing courses. DO NOT believe what every subscriber has to say and I will tell you why.
Put it this way, if someone has the time to write about a specific product on someone else’s site then they obviously aren’t making any money with another product. Even if someone reports a “scam” on my site, I don’t just do a negative review on it.
Being that I am a very seasoned online marketer, I give my full honest OPINION on different sites and nothing else. I will not tell you to buy this or that but rather give you advice on what actually works and will not break your wallet.
Is the Ripoff Report a Scam?
In my Ripoff Report review I have let you see what you should and should not believe within this website. Overall, the Ripoff Report is NOT a scam but rather a great website to find information and reviews on different products on different products. This website has scams as well as products that can actually work for you so quit being skeptical and let out that little entrepreneur in you and take a risk.
Just because this website was created by an awesome individual, do not let the people that post things on that site about how this product doesn’t work and is a scam. If you are looking for great opportunities online you need to be very cautious with who you talk to especially the manipulative little scammers. I hope you found this Ripoff Report review to be very helpful with your online needs and hopefully you find success and don’t ever get scammed again.
If you have had any experience with the Ripoff Report please let me know what you have encountered and let me know so that I can help other online marketers see what scams are out there.
– John
A Work at Home Jobs