I’m sure you are looking to make money online and you want to know if this program is some kind of scam or if it will really work and that is why I have put together this Print Profits review.
As an online marketer who got his start with the affiliate marketing model I am always looking for other legitimate ways to make money online so I can share it with others on this site.
After going over Michael’s product, I must say that I am very much impressed as this is something I was actually looking into as soon as I can outsource some of the busy parts of my business.
So if you are thinking about joining Print Profits follow along as I show you why I recommend it (or not) and if it is even worth your valuable time.
Print Profits Review – Product Overview
Print Profits is a training course created by Michael Shih that is going to show you how to make money online using Shopify using their “print on demand” business model.
Within the four years that I have been doing business online, I have not seen something that is actually different up until this came out.
When these guys say that this is a completely new business model within the online space, they actually mean it.
Unlike many others that have claimed to have something new to offer but it becomes another course on how to make them more money, Print Profits is actually different.
Not so much new as I have seen others doing it before, but very much one that I would recommend to anyone looking to make money with e-commerce the not so complicated way.
How it Works
The concept behind Print Profits is actually really simple and can be scaled to some amazing profits if done right.
Thankfully, Michael is going to show you how to do exactly that within this training course.
First, you will need to pick some kind of niche that involves something that can be customized like mugs, t-shirts, pens, etc.
From there you will create your very own e-commerce store using Shopify from which you will be selling your very own products.
The only difference with this is that you will not need any inventory whatsoever.
You will populate your new site with different products with some kind of catchy heading that your customers will be intrigued by but there will be no actual products ready to go.
Once that customer makes the purchase, you will then have that design printed on your product that will then be shipped out from another source directly to your customer.
By simply adding a higher price to these products you will then make a profit, which is a win/win for everyone.
Pretty simple, right?
Well of course as a newb to the world of making money online and websites you are going to need to learn how to do all of this and that is where Print Profits comes into play.
Print Profits Training
With 8 different modules focused on very specific topics, you will learn how to do every step that is needed to put you in profit.
They are jam packed with case studies and templates that you can use with your business, so you can expect to get the same blueprint that Michael used to build his e-commerce empire worth 7 figures.
- Module 1 – Focused on mindset and overall knowledge of online marketing, this is also where you will learn how to setup shop. From branding yourself, picking a domain, and getting a nice logo for your site, this is where your foundation starts
- Module 2 – This part of the training focuses on design. You will not only learn how to design your store but also learn where you can find the right partners to work with. You will also learn about staying in the lines so you don’t get hit with any legal actions.
- Module 3 – Unlike dropshipping that requires you to physically send products to your customers, this module will show you how to skip all of that and have the product delivered directly to your customers without any action on your part.
- Module 4 – With every e-commerce business traffic is a must or you will not make any money. This training focuses on attracting the right customers and getting them to buy your products through Facebook ads.
- Module 5 – Still focused on Facebook, this module will show you how to scale your campaigns so you can take things to a different level.
- Module 6 – This module shows you how to manage your business. From managing your Fanpage on Facebook all the way to what you need to do on a daily basis.
- Module 7 – Having a customer take action is one thing but getting the most you can out of each and every single one of them is a different story and that is what you will learn in this module. Sales funnels, up-sells, and the best ways to have your customers purchase more than that mug you got the interested in in the first place.
- Module 8 – Lastly, module 8 focuses on retaining your customers through email marketing. Rather than having them buy and lose them, this course will teach you how to save them on a list so you can sell them more stuff later.
The Price for Print Profit?
I know some of you might be thinking that this is kind of pricey but I think it is actually very affordable and worth every penny.
You can get the product up front for $997 and save $194 or you can pay every 3 months at $397.
Keep in mind that you do not have to pay for any products for inventory, so the information within this course is very valuable.
Click Here to Try Print Profits!
Is There Any Support?
I know from experience that you can have the best training in the world but without some kind of support it can mean the difference from success and failure.
There are many great training platforms for different types of courses but they lack in support, which is why people will think they don’t work.
Now if you have someone there to help you understand all the little stuff that comes with what computers do then you will have a higher chance of succeeding online.
Thankfully you not only get great support from the Print Profits community but you get help from the actual owner of the product who has generated 7 figures using the same business model he is about to teach.
Final Verdict: Legit
After reviewing so many scams for the last couple of months I am glad to have finally done one that is not only legit but actually really good.
If you don’t have patience to do affiliate marketing (cheaper to get started) this model is definitely one to consider.
If you can afford at least the $397 monthly payment, you can actually make your next payment if you put in the work and effort that is needed.
This is one business model I recommend to anyone new or advanced in the online marketing space.
Do remember that the program alone is not going to make you money, so do what Michael teaches and don’t try to think you know a better way or you will end up quitting.
This is a really great training course that is not going to overwhelm you like others that only want to take your money.
The “print on demand” strategy is one I recommend if you are on a budget but still want to start an e-commerce store.
If I wasn’t already doing affiliate marketing full-time and my hands weren’t too full then I would be doing this for sure.
Other than that, I hope this Print Profits review has helped you gain a better understanding of how everything works before you make any crazy decisions.
At the end of the day, it’s all about taking action and not turning back.
Give this a try, learn how everything is done, and you will be that much closer to online success.
Thanks for reading and good luck!
Click Here to Get Print Profits!