There are many ways to make money with a website on the internet, but most people are going about things the wrong way. Most try to go straight into this by battling the best of the best and of course they get nowhere.
Today I want to show you how to make money online using niche websites. This is the absolute best way to make money online, if you do it the right way and understand exactly how it’s done. Read further into this post and you will see exactly how niche marketing is really done.
Don’t Sell Coffee Near Starbucks
When it comes to the online world, things are done almost like a regular business. However, doing things online definitely has its advantages, but you can really screw things up if you don’t do it right.
Too many online marketers try to go straight for the money and once again, they end up making nothing. If you can target something very specifically, then you can make a lot of money with this.
Just like the real world, you don’t want to try and open a coffee shop next to the biggest coffee chain in the world, because it will give you almost no chance at making any money.
You Have the Market in The Palm of your Hands
Being online, you have the absolute biggest market in the world. I take that back. You have the entire world to market too (literally), and you have no reason why you can’t make money online.
I once ran a bar, which did nothing but run my credit into the ground. I remember when I had to figure out what my target market was going to be. From a sports bar, to one that catered to high class people.
Whatever the case may be, my market was very,very tiny compared to what the internet has to offer. The point I’m trying to get across here is that, YOU NEED TO TARGET SOMETHING VERY SPECIFIC!
Zero in and Grab a Tiny Piece of the Market
Alright, I know I can go on and on about how big the market is on the internet. That my friends can be a BIG problem and is exactly what’s causing a bunch of people to make $0.
So how do you do it? This is where choosing your niche comes into play and what I want you to really understand before you get involved with something like internet marketing.
This is where targeting can be very beneficial to you, but I want to explain how even this .001% of the internet can make you a fortune!
Choosing a Niche
This is another department where most people get confused and this is probably the biggest thing you need to understand before you get into affiliate marketing.
They way you need to look at a niche, is a group of people (thanks Kyle!). I had to give that shoutout to that man for showing me everything I know about making money online.
If you think that “weight-loss” is a niche, you are not going to get very far. They are more like topics, and they are way too broad. Here is how you might want to approach niche selection.
– A group of people looking to lose weight after pregnancy
-A group of people looking to make more money after retirement
– A group of people looking for help with gout
As you can see, I am targeting a very specific “group of people” and that is what will make all the difference. Rather than “weight-loss”, dig a little deeper and you will find that MILLIONS of people are looking for something a lot more specific.
Creating a Website
There are many domain registrars that allow you to purchase a domain name ( and it is not going to be expensive either.
You can always get a free website to get you started, but I do recommend you get your own .com if you want to brand yourself.
Building your own website does not require ANY technical skills and you can literally have one up and running in 5 minutes.
Go Make Some Money!
I hope this article has helped you understand how to make money online. Unlike you, I didn’t get this clear understanding of what a niche really is, so you can consider yourself lucky.
If you want to learn more and see exactly where I learned how to do all this fancy online marketing, you need to checkout the Wealthy Affiliate. There is a lot more you need to know about making money online, and you will learn absolutely everything there.
If you have any questions about niche marketing or making money online for that matter, please leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
– John
A Work at Home Jobs