Too many people ask me how I make money blogging and I think it gets kind of redundant. I take my passion, and I talk about it. Although so simple, I guess I can elaborate a little on this, so you too can make some money online.
In case you didn’t know this, blogging is a big deal. I don’t mean the type where you get on and start telling people about what you did today and how it was the most bestest thing in the world.
Actually, I kind of mean that way. However, there is a way to do things. Today I want to show you how to make money blogging. The right way.
Wait, There’s a Wrong Way?
Absolutely. There are too many people doing it this way and it is also the reason why most people quit. Most quit and others end up looking for a better way to make money online. There isn’t.
I have made money other ways, but if you really understand what blogging is about, you will know that it is one of the best way to make a living. Other than owning your own product of course.
Creating Your Own Blog
Building your own blog is really not the problem. If anything, that is the easiest part when it comes to making money online blogging.
These days, you can get a website up and running in under 30 seconds. Literally. To top it off, you can even find them for free. Click here to see our top recommendation for free sites + training.
The Basics is all You Need
No one is perfect and I am far from it. Being that I didn’t know too much about computers and the fact that I couldn’t type if my life depended on it, really gave me some problems.
Did that stop me? Not at all. You can ask anyone that ever knew me when I first started blogging and they will tell you how bad my posts were.
Along with the fact that I just wasn’t good, there were other things that were holding me back from being an online success story and I want to share them with you so that you don’t go through the same things I did.
Do You Even Know What You’re Talking About?
Way too many people follow the money. They think they’re following the money, when they’re really following the most competitive niches out there.
Yeah the profitable niches are obvious, but do you even know anything about it? What I’m really trying to say here is start a blog on something you are actually interested in.
Don’t tell me that you’re interested in money so that is why you chose a niche that you have no clue about.
Honestly, I think every single niche can make money and a good amount at that. Just because there aren’t any products that you are actually selling, that doesn’t mean you can’t make any money with it.
Think Outside the Box
I always find myself focused on specific articles and also thinking about how I can make money with certain posts.
The real trick to this, is just to let it flow. Why does everything have to be about money?
If you are in this solely for making money, you are not going to survive. Focus on helping people and I can promise you that you will become another successful blogger.
Don’t get wrapped around the money making aspect of blogging. Keep an open mind and talk to your readers about other things and not just trying to make a quick buck.
Take it One Day at a Time, but Do Not (I repeat) Do Not Waste Time
You know that there are only 24 hours in a day right? Most of you probably have day jobs and think you can’t run a blog, but I disagree 100%.
If you can focus on just one task at a time (most likely blogging) I can promise you that you will have a successful blog by the end of next year.
I know, I know, one year John? You gotta be kidding me! In case you didn’t know this, time flies. 2016 is around the corner, but trust me, you’ll be saying “wow it’s already 2017” in no time!
A Blog Post a Day is All You Need
I once let my income slow down due to the lack of motivation and I don’t want you to make the same mistake. Please, please, do not let your blog sit for more than a week.
As a matter of fact, don’t let it sit. Period. If you can’t keep your blog fresh daily, then do you really think you deserve to get that #1 spot in Google?
The whole concept of blogging and making money is really, really simple and there’s only one thing that separates the money makers from the quitters.
Wanna know the secret? It is nothing more than a little consistency. I don’t care what type of competition you have out there, you can beat them. Trust me.
Are You Ready For Success?
I really can’t stress enough about how being consistent as a blogger is. If you can get a blog post out there every single day, I can promise you that you will be successful.
When you blog daily…
- You become a better blogger
- Google loves fresh content
- You get other posts to move up the ranks
- You get more traffic
- You make more money
If you’re so concerned about how long your articles should be, then you are pretty much focused on the money.
Worry about getting valuable and helpful content out there and you will be fine. Don’t you think one blog post with 300 words is better than nothing?
I hope these tips have helped you even just a little and hopefully you can apply them. If you even apply half of what I covered here, you will be a successful blogger.
Well that’s all for now. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section below. You are only a blog post away from making money so keep the content coming!
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