Ready to make $500 a day just by pressing a button?
Well, that’s what they claim to help you accomplish so I figured I’d put together a review so you can have a better understanding of what this site is really about.
With the too many good to be true scams on the net that all promise the same thing, what makes you think this will be “the one”?
You can only tell if you’ve tried it or if you’ve actually tried something like it before.
Good thing for you, I’ve not only tried this but I have seen the many other sites exactly like this one that uses the same technique, so you can bet that I know more about these types of programs than anyone else.
Just like you, I was hopeful that there is a real way to make money online and after trying and reviewing hundreds of them, I have come to the conclusion that 99.9% of them are either a scam or a program that requires you to recruit others in order for you to make any money.
Not to say that I’m against MLM as I have been apart of a few in my career but there are sites out there that offer no products but claim to make you money when it is all based off of recruiting.
I have also come to the conclusion that making real money online requires some work, dedication and most especially the right program.
Will Money Sucking Websites prove me wrong?
Let’s dig a little deeper so we can see if anyone besides the owners of this program are making any money.
What is Money Sucking Websites?
With a very bold claim of making $500 a day, you can’t even see what the site is about without opting into their email list.
Even their sales video is nothing but a bunch of fancy lifestyle marketing nonsense that tells you nothing about the program besides how you can be rich.
After opting in to get bombarded with emails from these guys at a later date, I finally was able to see the inside of this site.
Kind of.
Now Money Sucking Websites says that you will make $500 by simply putting in your email address and pushing a button on the site that they created for you.
Of course that is pretty bogus and I hit a speedbump, which I actually saw coming.
Pay $47 to see what you will get even if they did not explain anything about what you will be doing besides getting a website that you will use to press a button to make that money.
Talk about a bunch of BS and that is why I want to show you how this site really works.
How it Works
After you opt-in to their list, you will be led to a page that asks for $47.
Please don’t pay a single penny and allow me to explain how this scam works.
Once you get in, you will most likely encounter issues with this so called website they provided for you.
From there it will be impossible to contact anyone and that is because there is no one to contact.
However, do expect a call from their scam team as they will as you things like…
“How much money do you have to invest”
“How much are you willing to spend to make money”
The list goes on and these scammers will do anything to get you to pay them more regardless of their claims that weren’t even fulfilled.
Tell them what they don’t want to hear and you will see how rude they can be.
Don’t get intimidated from them as they are nothing but scammers that have no real system in place for you to make money.
And if that wasn’t enough for you, let me point out other signs that this is not a legitimate website.
The Red Flags
Before you even landed on Money Sucking Websites, you most likely came from some kind of news type website that claimed that someone was making money thanks to Amazon.
Sure there are people making money from the online retail giant but it’s just not anyone from the Money Sucking Websites scheme.
Everything on that scam news site is bogus.
The family that is in the image is nothing but a stock photo and every single link will lead to the Money Sucking Websites scam.
The sidebar is not even functional and if you can trust any site with poor grammar, then of course you would believe the lies they’ve told.
For me, I know that any fake news or any lies that a site uses is already enough for me to call it a scam.
For some of you, you might still be skeptical due to the desperate want for something to work in your favor.
I know this because I was once in your shoes and I did pay for anything and everything that made me feel that “I had nothing to lose”.
Big mistake on my part but I just didn’t know any better.
So Will Money Sucking Websites Work?
Of course not.
You will go through the same nonsense I mentioned earlier in this review, so please don’t pay them just so you can satisfy your curiosity.
Is Money Sucking Websites a Scam?
You bet they are.
You will find nothing but complaints from other users as well so do know that it is not any type of speculation.
Those that have paid will probably never get a refund from the site but I do recommend you contact your bank and have them handle the situation.
If you do get a call from them, just hang up on them and do not feel obligated to satisfy any of their wishes.
Don’t be desperate.
There are too many people feeding their bank accounts and you do not need to become another victim to know that this site does not work.
If you want to make money online, you must understand that it is not going to happen with some push button website.
You will need a website but there will be more work involved and not some quick cash that anyone else claims.
Trust me, a money producing system does not exist.
Now if you want to make real money online, you can go with my #1 recommended program as that is by far the best way to do things or you can keep looking for the next best thing.
I can promise you that it is not going to be an easy task and if you do come across something legit (not recruiting related) please let me know as I am still looking for something that even comes close.
Well that is all from me and I hope that you have learned a thing or two about this scam and hopefully it can help you avoid future scams.
If you have had any experience with this, please do share it in the comments section below so that others can benefit from it.
Thanks for reading and good luck!
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