Want to quit your job and travel the world?
Don’t we all?
There are some things that need to come together to make this happen or you can just forget about it.
Okay I don’t travel the world, but I did quit my job 3 years ago to figure out this whole make money online thing.
I don’t travel not because I can’t afford it, but because I have way too many kids to take on vacation and I just don’t have the time.
Unlike most of you that are able to do it, I have the things you don’t have.
Time and money.
Add that to the single life most of you live and I would be one traveling person.
I don’t say that to brag, but rather to show you that even with my 4 kids I am still able to make more money than almost everyone I know and have the time to spend it with them.
Don’t get me wrong, we will be doing some traveling as soon as my youngest gets out of diapers.
With that being said, I want to show you exactly how I was able to not only quit my job, but also to make more money than almost everyone I know as well as have all the time in the world to spend with my family.
Come next year though, we will definitely take our first family vacation and probably live on the go like I planned when I was single.
So How Did I do it?
It’s actually really easy.
Okay, I take that back.
It’s easy once you have the knowledge to do it.
Let me just tell you that it all starts with one thing…the way you think.
AKA your mentality.
Anyone can want something, but not many can attain it and a big part of it is the way they think and see the working world as a whole.
For a lot of you, it has a very big deal to do with the people around you and how they think the world works.
Most of your so called friends would just tell you that you’re crazy and that is completely normal.
I was once in your shoes.
Now for you, it’s going to take some change and a lot of will power if you want to quit your job and travel the world.
First, look at the people you’re around with the most.
Do they want to quit their job and travel the world?
Probably not and in most cases they are just stuck with the 9-5 mentality and looking to build their retirement.
If you’re looking to be different, this post is for you.
First, You Need More Time
Traveling the world requires a couple of things and a big one of them is TIME.
There is almost no job out there that allows you to have the time that is needed to travel to one country let alone the entire world.
Take that leave and you will find yourself coming back to the workplace after visiting just one other country.
So time is definitely something you need or you’ll be looking at your coworkers for many years to come unless you do something about it.
Wait, You’re Going to Need Money
Time is one thing and money is a whole different animal.
You can have all the time in the world but without the bank account to do things, you will not be able to even go to Walmart to get the bare necessities.
So we know that you job already leaves you with no time now I’m sure that you’re another overworked underpaid individual that makes pennies at a job that requires so much of you.
So either you pull out a loan (don’t do it) or find a job that actually pays you more than everyone around you or you won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.
Combining the Two is Almost Impossible…
At least that’s what I thought until I figured out this whole make money online thing.
Making more money is a task in itself and it only seems like taking more of your time is the only way to make it happen.
Although it seems impossible, I’m sure you know that there are people doing it and I just so happen to be one of them.
How I Have More Time and Make More Money
For me, I have done a bunch of things in my life before I found myself spending more time with my family and actually making a good income in the process.
I was once in the US Army, working for the government, as well as taking some college classes before I figured out that that wasn’t what I wanted to do.
Without the kids that was completely fine with me, but I felt that there was more to life than the routine that I was once involved with.
I still live somewhat of a routine life but I do things on my own terms.
- I work when I want to
- I dictate how much I make
- I have more free time than anyone I know
- I am the boss
Of course things were never like this until I found myself on a website that actually showed me how to make money online and ultimately work on my own terms.
Making Money Online is More Than Possible
Let me just tell you that finding a legitimate program online is almost impossible.
With all the scams and gurus out there, no one is really out there to help you and they worry about nothing but having you put money into their wallets.
I was once a contributor to these scam artists and it was either a more than affordable price or the hope of something actually working that got me to “trying things out”.
I can’t say it’s all these scammer’s faults because I couldn’t help but give into the whole idea that you could become rich overnight.
I was beyond wrong.
Wrong until I actually gave a site called the Wealthy Affiliate a chance.
The thing about these guys was that there was no promise to becoming a millionaire overnight and a strong emphasis on how you need to work in order to make money.
I completely changed my mentality and got trained by some of the best in the business.
I figured that if I could even make $1,000/month in a year, that would be more than worth my time.
I got trained, applied what I was taught, and what do you know?
I made money!
3 Months and finally made $1!
I know, I know, that’s nothing!
Everyone around me thought I was crazy, but that $1 was all I needed to know that this method actually worked.
I figured that if I can make $1 then there’s no way I couldn’t make $10, $100, or even $1000.
To make a long story short, I ended up making a lot more than that and eventually quit my job and making more than a full-time income from home.
After all the scams and time wasted trying to become some type of overnight success, I finally found something that worked.
So after all the trouble and “fails” that I’ve encountered, I’m beyond excited to share what I’ve learned and ultimately how it’s done.
So if you want to quit that penny paying 9-5 and travel the world, this is definitely something you need to at least try.
If you can understand that there is no secret to making money online and you will need to work at it, then this is for you.
Help is On the Way!
Rather than trying to do things on your own like I did, I want to give you a hand.
Trying to figure out this whole make money online thing is not easy and having someone to run to when you have a question is going to be one of your biggest assets.
I didn’t get the help that is offered now, so consider yourself lucky.
Let me show you the same exact site that showed me everything I know about creating a successful business from home.
It isn’t going to happen overnight and it isn’t going to be completely free.
However, you can create a free account that will show you exactly what you will be doing.
If you don’t like it, move on like you’ve never seen it before.
There aren’t many ways to quit your job and travel the world, but this is definitely one that I know works.
Get trained and you will see that you too can live a life that most people only dream of.
Take action and make something happen.
See you on the inside!
Click Here to Create a Free Starter Account!
– John
A Work at Home Jobs