Learning how to find low competition keywords is going to be a big part of any online marketer’s success and will definitely get targeted traffic. Too many online marketers focus on getting boatloads of traffic (which is great) but fail to leverage from keywords that actually make sales. Read on to find low competitive keywords that hit a very targeted audience, which of course leads to sales.
Why you Gotta be so Broad?
Too many people try and target “keywords” that are way too broad, which most definitely has tons of competition. The problem with being too broad is what most people have as an online marketer and that is only going to hurt you. When you try and hit these types of keywords, it’s like you’re fighting a wall. Everything is against you.
- Too much competition
- Chances are you won’t get on the first 2 pages
- Wasting a lot of time
- Your site is just not credible
Stay away from broad keywords, period. Maybe when you start getting traffic and what not, then you can target other keywords, but for now, stick to the less competitive ones.
How Low Competition Keywords Rock
There are actually a bunch of reasons why low competition keywords (which get a little amount of traffic) are great. First, it will be easy to rank, if you’re using a tool like Jaaxy, of course. Although this keyword has a little amount of traffic, it is very, very targeted. Here is how a typical search would look like if someone were to do it.
- Lose fat – way too broad, continue search
- Lose fat in stomach – still not satisfied
- How to lose belly fat – very targeted
- How to lose belly fat fast – close
- How to lose belly fat without exercise – perfect
Although this may sound a little silly, that is how people are conducting their searches. Not only is there less competition, but you have just hit the EXACT word they were looking for.
At this point, the customer has found what they were looking for (thanks to you) and this is the part where you throw in whatever you would like to sell, they are totally ready to buy. Here is a screenshot of how I found this low competition keyword with Jaaxy.
The 1 Article Wonder
At the beginning stage of my online career, I actually only had 1 article that was making sales for me. Not only was it the only one making sales, it was the only one getting organic traffic. Mind you, I wrote over 50 articles.
I spent too much time trying to compete with the big dogs when all it did was set me back. I was getting little to no traffic and all of it was coming from one article.
This one article was something I wrote real, quick just because that specific keyword wasn’t expected to get much traffic. Out of the 50, this was the only one producing for me.
I went back and looked at how this article was doing it and that is what made the difference. I started targeting keywords/phrases that got a decent amount of traffic with little to no competition and boy does it add up.
Now Let’s Multiply
I got a good amount of traffic from that one article, now my goal was to produce articles like that specific one and let things grow. I then produce more articles with very low competition and that is when the traffic to my blog started to pick up.
All I had to do was write 10 articles that got the same amount of traffic like that one article did and voila, crazy amounts of traffic. On top of that, getting traffic helps your rankings within the search engines, which will cause other posts to move up in rank as well. Make sense?
Quit Worrying About SEO
Too many online marketers focus on SEO and keywords, when the main focus should be their readers. Remember one thing my friend, you are NOT writing for Google!
Let me give you a couple of pointers when writing your articles and looking for keywords. I literally mean a couple, because there are only two things I am going to tell you, that should help with your rankings and writing overall.
First thing, write naturally and write for your readers. Quit trying to sell things and focus on helping your readers out. It will only lead to trust and in turn will lead to sales.
Second thing, Forget about SEO. Keep it simple and worry about two things. Keyword in title and keyword in the first paragraph (if it can be natural) and that is it. How’s that for a lesson on SEO?
Stick to the basics and you should be fine. If you don’t have Jaaxy, I suggest you try it for yourself and you will see how this tool is now my best friend.
Happy Blogging!
I hope you found this article to be very helpful to you and your blogging efforts, because these little steps is all it took to get me the traffic I needed to make money online.
Please leave a comment below if you have any questions about SEO and I will get back to you as soon as I can, Good luck and Happy Blogging!
– John